Merit Badges
A total of 21 Merit badges must be earned to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. Of those 21, 13 are required to be attained by every scout (with 3 optional). The remaining badges can be selected by the individual scout and are listed in your Boy Scout Handbook. Procedures for earning merit badges are explained in the Advancement Guidelines booklet along with the handbook.
There are approximately 137 merit badges that you can earn. Subjects range from Soil and Water Conservation to Space Exploration and everything in between.
To earn a merit badge you must work with a specified merit badge counselor. The Roster of Merit Badge Counselors lists the badges available from within our troop and who the counselors are. There are other opportunities to earn merit badges. These include a Merit Badge University in March put on by the Council. You can also earn merit badges at summer camp.
Note to Parents: Please consider becoming a merit badge counselor. Your participation will increase the number of merit badge options for the scouts. If interested please see a Scoutmaster. A Merit Badge Counselor can only teach one required merit badge to their son.
If you have questions about advancement please see a Scoutmaster
Please see the Boy Scouts of America National Council page for more information about each of the 137 merit badges.